At a time when the Demographic change and the age-related fluctuation in companies, the effective Management of knowledge and the smooth Knowledge transfer of crucial importance.
Knowledge management ist der systematische Prozess der Erfassung, Speicherung, Verteilung und Nutzung von Wissen innerhalb einer Organisation.
In particular, the crossing from a departing employee to his successor is a crucial moment for every company.
Modern technologies und Tools spielen eine immer wichtigere Rolle beim Wissenstransfer und -management in Unternehmen.
Wissensmanagement-Plattformen, Knowledge bases, Collaboration-Tools und E-Learning-Systeme ermöglichen es Mitarbeitern Wissen zu dokumentieren, effizient zu teilen, organize and learn, regardless of time and place.
With the Implementation of strategies and the use of modern technologies, organizations ensure that valuable know-how is retained and can be passed on.
Effective knowledge management is essential for long-term success of a company or organization essential.
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